
On July 21, Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” opened the exhibition “Lucky you, Black Sea...” Selected stories of Jewish masters of the Word from the city on the shores of the Black Sea, organized jointly with the Museum of Genocide “Territory of Memory” (Odessa) with the support of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine.

The exhibition tells about the life and work of prominent Jewish poets, writers, and intellectuals who lived and worked in Odesa at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Among them are Haim Bialik, Mark Varshavskyi, Matvii Harzman, Hrytsko Kernerenko, Kadya Molodovskyi, Semen Frug and others. At that time, this city on the shores of the Black Sea was one of the largest Jewish literary centers. The life and work of a whole constellation of poets and writers who wrote in Hebrew and Yiddish, Ukrainian and Russian are connected with Odesa. Their life stories, full of tragedy, courage and inspiration, reflect the multifaceted nature of Jewish culture and its contribution to Ukrainian and world literary heritage.

The initiators and creators of the exhibition – historian Pavlo Kozlenko and photographer Mykola Gorshkov – tried to capture their own feelings from visiting the Odesa courtyards, where the masterpieces of the Word of famous and almost forgotten poets emerged from under the pen and on typewriters... This project is designed to return their names and wonderful lines immersing in the atmosphere, stir feelings and memories associated with the city on the shore of the Black Sea.

The exhibition will last until August 21. We sincerely invite you to watch!