Student internship at Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”


Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” welcomes the students of the II year of the University of Customs and Finance (specialty “History and Archeology”), who have started their training in our walls.

On the first day of practice, students together with their supervisor, prof. Oleh Morozov of the Department of History and Theory of the State and Law of the UMSF visited Museum “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine”, which was conducted by a research associate, Ms. Olena Ishchenko. They got acquainted with the history of the creation of the Museum, its concept and the peculiarities of building exhibitions.

For two weeks, young researchers will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the history of not only the Jewish people and the tragic events of the Holocaust, but also the history of Ukraine and our city in general, they will be able to get to know the work of the museum institution from the inside, study exhibits and archival materials.

During the internship, students will gain experience working with historical sources, learn how to conduct their first tours, and participate in preserving the memory of tragic events of the past. This will be an important step in their professional training and will help them gain a deeper understanding of the importance of historical memory for the present.