New additions to the library of the Museum (April 2019)


Museum library funds continue to be replenished with research, but we focus not only on the latest publications. The works published in the Soviet period — Vaclav Kraral "Crimes against Europe" (Moscow, 1968), Norbert Mueller "Wehrmacht and Occupation (1941-1944)" (Moscow, 1974) is an interesting example of the Soviet approach to the presentation of the tragedy of Jews during the World War II. On the pages of these editions, along with "peaceful Soviet citizens," we can also find direct references to the Nazi persecution of Jews.

Translated from the Czech and German languages are based on a wide range of primary sources: documents, memoirs, diaries of eyewitnesses, etc.We invite readers to get acquainted with these editions!

Kral' V. Prestupleniya protiv Evropy / per. s chesh. M. G. Palilovoj, I. P. Hatuncevoj, YA. B. SHmeralya. Moskva : Mysl', 1968. 350 s.[ Krall V. Crimes against Europe / translation from Czech M. G. Palilova, I. P. Khatuntseva, Ya. B. Shmeral. Moscow: Thought, 1968. 350 pages

In his book, the Czech historian Vaclav Kraal described the political and economic goals of the Nazi leadership during the World War II, revealed a system of plans and Nazis’ practical measures on the "final settlement of the Jewish question" of the population of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and other countries.
The book is largely filled with primary sources and factual material.


Myuller N. Vermaht i okkupaciya (1941–1944) / per. s nem. A. Artemova, A. Dolgorukova, I. Karabutenko, YU. CHuprova, G. SHevchenko; pod red. A. YUdenkova. Moskva : Voenizdat, 1974. 387 s. || Muller N. Wehrmacht and Occupation (1941–1944) / translation from German by A. Artemov, A. Dolgorukov, I. Karabutenko, Y. Chuprova, G. Shevchenko; by ed. A. Yudenkova. Moscow: Military Publishing, 1974. 387 p.

In the book of an employee of the Institute of Military History of the GPR reveals the criminal role of the Nazi Wehrmacht in organizing an occupation regime of Nazis on the territory of the USSR during the World War II.
The author gives a wide factual evidence of the active role of the Wehrmacht in the mass destruction of the Soviet people of different nationalities, the economic robberies of the occupied regions, and the existence of a "burned-out ground" policy during the retreat of the Nazi troops.