
Director of the Museum Iryna Radchenko
Radchenko Iryna Henadiivna – director of the Museum. In 2012, graduated with honors from the Faculty of History of the Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. In January 2021, defended her candidate's thesis "Models of Humanitarian Organizations' Activities for the Rescue of European Jews during the Holocaust (1939–1945)."
She has been working at the Museum since February, 2014.
Scientific interests: saving Jews during Holocaust, philanthropic institutions of the XXth century; American Jewry and reaction on Holocaust; genocides of XXth century, foundation of the state of Israel; Arab-Israeli conflict.
Main publications:
- Dzherela z istorii diial'nosti Dzhojntu na terenakh Yevropy u roky Druhoi svitovoi vijny: problemy vyvchennia ta vykorystannia. Karazins'ki chytannia (istorychni nauky) : tezy dopovidej 68-oi mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii, 24 kvitnia 2015 r. Kharkiv, 2015. || Sources of Joint's work history in Europe during the Second World War: problems of study and use. Karazins'ki Readings (Historical Sciences): Abstracts of the 68th International Scientific Conference, April 24, 2015, Kharkiv, 2015.
- Diial'nist' Dzhojntu u roky Druhoi svitovoi vijny ta Holokostu u doslidzhenniakh amerykans'kykh ta kanads'kykh naukovtsiv druhoi polovyny KhKh – pochatku KhKhI st. Humanitarnyj zhurnal. 2015. Zyma–Vesna. || Joint's activities during the Second World War and the Holocaust in studies by American and Canadian scholars of the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries. Humanitarian Journal. 2015. Winter-Spring.
- Pro robotu mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Pravednyky svitu ta inshi riativnyky u chas Holokostu: pryklad Ukrainy u porivnial'nomu konteksti». Problemy istorii Holokostu: naukovyj zhurnal. 2015. Vyp. 7. (U spivavtorstvi). || About the work of the international scientific and practical conference "The Righteous of the World and Other Rescuers at the Time of the Holocaust: An Example of Ukraine in a Comparative Context". Problems of Holocaust History: Scientific Journal. 2015. Vol. 7. (Co-authored).
- Stavlennia predstavnykiv holovnoho ofisu Dzhojntu (N'iu-Jork) do Holokostu v Yevropi. Karazins'ki chytannia (istorychni nauky): tezy dopovidej 69-oi mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii, 29 kvitnia 2016 r. Kharkiv, 2016. || The Attitude of Representatives of the Headquarters of Joint (New York) to the Holocaust in Europe. Karazins'ki Readings (Historical Sciences): Abstracts of the 69th International Scientific Conference, April 29, 2016, Kharkiv, 2016.
- Features of studying and teaching of the Holocaust in Ukraine (“Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, as an example). Theses of the Fourth International Conference «Holocaust Museums and Memorial Places in Post-communist Countries: Challenges and Opportunities», May, 16–17, 2016. Riga, 2016.
- Dopomoha blahodijnykh orhanizatsij ievreiam Rumunii ta «Transnistrii» u roky Druhoi svitovoi vijny. Visnyk Dnipropetrovs'koho universytetu. Seriia «Istoriia ta arkheolohiia». 2017. Vyp. 25. || Assistance to charity organizations for Jews from Romania and Transnistria during the Second World War. Bulletin of Dnipropetrovsk University. Series "History and Archeology". 2017. Vol. 25.
- Deyatel'nost' mezhdunarodnyh organizacij v spasenii evreev Evropy v gody Holokosta: lichnostnyj aspekt. Zhurnal Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Istoriya. 2018. № 4. || The activity of international organizations in saving the Jews ofEurope during the Holocaust: the personal aspect. Journal of Belarusian State. University. Story. 2018. № 4.
- Diial'nist' Amerykans'koi uriadovoi komisii z pytan' vijs'kovykh bizhentsiv: ievrejs'kyj aspekt (1944–1945). Skhidnoievropejs'kyj istorychnyj visnyk. 2018. № 9. || Activities of the American Government Commission on Military Refugees: The Jewish Aspect (1944-1945). Eastern European Historical Bulletin. 2018. No. 9.
- Diial'nist' blahodijnykh orhanizatsij z poriatunku ievreiv Uhorschyny u roky Druhoi svitovoi vijny: osnovni etapy ta ikh osoblyvosti. Naukovyj visnyk MNU imeni V. O. Sukhomlyns'koho. Istorychni nauky. 2018. № 2(46). || The activities of the charitable organizations for the salvation of Jews in Hungary during the Second World War: the main stages and their peculiarities. Scientific bulletin of the V.U. Sukhomlynsky State University of Mining. Historical sciences. 2018. No. 2(46).
- Diial'nist' blahodijnykh orhanizatsij u Frantsii v roky Holokostu: zahal'nyj aspekt. Hileia: naukovyj visnyk: zb. nauk. pr. 2018. Vyp. 138 (№ 11). || Activities of charitable organizations in France during the Holocaust: a general aspect. Gilea: Scientific Bulletin: Collection of Scientific Papers 2018. Vol. 138 (No. 11).
- Emanuel' Rinhel'blium ta diial'nist' Dzhojntu schodo poriatunku ievreiv Pol'schi v roky Holokostu. Humanitarnyj korpus: zb. nauk. st. z aktual'nykh problem filosofii, kul'turolohii, psykholohii, pedahohiky ta istorii (za materialamy KhIV Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Aktual'ni problemy humanitarnykh nauk u doslidzhenniakh molodykh naukovtsiv», 6 cerpnia 2018 r.). 2018. Vyp. 19. || Emanuel Ringleblum and Joint’s efforts to rescue Polish Jews during the Holocaust. Humanitarian Corps: Sb. sciences Art. on actual problems of philosophy, cultural studies, psychology, pedagogy and history (based on the materials of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of the Humanities in Researches of Young Scientists", August 6, 2018). 2018 Vol. 19.
- International Charities` Aid and Rescue Operations in Romania and Transnistria during the Holocaust. The Holocaust in South-Eastern Europe. Historiography, Archives Resources
and Remembrance / ed. by A. Babeş-Fruchter, A. Bărbulescu. Vernon Press, 2021. P. 141–173.