
Researcher Denys Shatalov
Denys Valeriiovych Shatalov is the researcher of the Museum, Candidate of Historical Sciences.
In 2012 he graduated with honors from the magistracy of the Faculty of History at the Dnepropetrovsk National University named after Oles Honchar. In 2016 he defended his thesis "Ukrainian Cossacks in the public opinion of the second half of the XVIII - the first half of the XIX centuries".
He has been working at the Museum since January, 2015.
Scientific interests: the intellectual history of the XIX century, the history of Ukrainian national projects, the Soviet memory of the Holocaust and the Second World War, Soviet military memoirs.
Main publications:
- Kozats'ko-tatars'ki stosunky na ukrains'kij diliantsi Velykoho Kordonu v kintsi XV–XVI st. Naddniprians'ka Ukraina: istorychni protsesy, podii, postati. 2010. Vyp. 8. (U spivavtorstvi). || Cossack-Tatar relations on the Ukrainian part of the Great Cordon in the late XV-XVI centuries. Dnieper Ukraine: historical processes, events, figures. 2010. 8. (Co-authored).
- Teoriia Velykoho Kordonu v suchasnij ukrains'kij istoriohrafii. Istorychni etiudy. Dnipro, 2010. Vyp. 2. || Theory of the Great Cordon in modern Ukrainian historiography. Historical sketches. Dnipro, 2010. Vol. 2.
- Pro typy napadiv kozakiv i tatar na ukrains'komu Stepovomu Kordoni v druhij polovyni XV – pershij polovyni XVII st. Naddniprians'ka Ukraina: istorychni protsesy, podii, postati. 2011. Vyp. 9. || On the types of attacks of Cossacks and Tatars on the Ukrainian Steppe Cordon in the second half of XV - the first half of the XVII century. Dnieper Ukraine: historical processes, events, figures. 2011. Vol. 9.
- Reaktsiia kozatstva Stepovoi Ukrainy na sotsiokul'turni zminy seredyny XVIII st. Naddniprians'ka Ukraina: istorychni protsesy, podii, postati. 2013. Vyp. 11. || The reaction of the Cossacks of Steppe Ukraine to the socio-cultural changes of the middle of the XVIII century. Dnieper Ukraine: historical processes, events, figures. 2013. Vol. 11.
- Ukrains'ke kozatstvo ochyma rosijs'kykh mandrivnykiv pochatku KhIKh st. Istoriia i kul'tura Prydniprov'ia: nevidomi ta malovidomi storinky. 2013. Vyp. 10. || Ukrainian Cossacks eyes of Russian travelers beginning of the nineteenth century. History and culture of the Dnieper region: unknown and little-known pages. 2013. Vol. 10.
- Zobrazhennia zaporoz'koho kozatstva u tvorchosti V. T. Nariezhnoho iak vidbytok masovykh uiavlen' pershoi chverti KhIKh st. Istoriia i kul'tura Prydniprov'ia: nevidomi ta malovidomi storinky. 2014. Vyp. 11. || The image of the Zaporozhian Cossacks in the works of V.T. Narezhny as an imprint of mass representations of the first quarter of the nineteenth century. History and culture of the Dnieper region: unknown and little-known pages. 2014. Vol. 11.
- Predstavlenyia o voynstvennosty ukraynskykh kazakov pervoj polovyny KhIKh veka. Yz ystoryy y kul'tury lynejnoho kazachestva Severnoho Kavkaza. Materyaly deviatoj mezhdunarodnoj Kubansko-Terskoj nauchno-praktycheskoj konferentsyy. Armavyr: YP Shuryhyn V. E., 2014. || Representations about the militancy of the Ukrainian Cossacks of the first half of the nineteenth century. From the history and culture of the linear Cossacks of the North Caucasus. Materials of the Ninth International Kuban-Tersk Scientific-Practical Conference. Armavir: IE Shurygin V. E., 2014.
- «Putevaia lyteratura» nachala XIX v. y formyrovanye ystoryohrafycheskoho obraza ukraynskoho kazachestva. Myr ystoryka: ystoryohrafycheskyj sbornyk. 2014. Vyp. 9. || "Travel literature" of the beginning of the XIX century. and the formation of the historiographic image of the Ukrainian Cossacks. The historian's world: a historiographic collection. 2014. Vol. 9.
- Reaktsiia slobids'koho kozatstva na sotsiokul'turni zminy seredyny XVIII st. Naddniprians'ka Ukraina: istorychni protsesy, podii, postati. 2014. Vyp. 12. || The reaction of the Slobodian Cossacks on socio-cultural changes of the middle of the XVIII century. Dnieper Ukraine: historical processes, events, figures. 2014. Vol. 12.
- Tut, vnutry: kak fylolohy pyshut ystoryiu… (razmyshlenyia nad y po povodu obraza ukraynskoho kazaka v sovremennoj rossyjskoj humanytarystyke). Istoriohrafichni ta dzhereloznavchi problemy istorii Ukrainy. Profesijna etyka istoryka u mizhdystsyplinarnomu prostori. Dnipropetrovs'k: LIRA, 2014. || Here, inside: how philologists write a story ... (reflections on and over the image of the Ukrainian Cossack in modern Russian humanitarism). Historiographic and source study problems of Ukrainian history. Professional ethics of the historian in the interdisciplinary space. Dnipropetrovsk: LIRA, 2014.
- Natsysts'kyj «novyj poriadok» v mistakh Ukrainy: zbirka fotohrafij ta dokumentiv z fondiv Muzeiu «Pam'iat' ievrejs'koho narodu ta Holokost v Ukraini». Dnipropetrovs'k: Instytut «Tkuma», 2015. (U spivavtorstvi). || Nazi "new order" in the cities of Ukraine: a collection of photographs and documents from the funds of the Museum "Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine". Dnipropetrovsk: Tkuma Institute, 2015. (Co-authored).
- Pravednyky narodiv svitu: Dovidnyk / Za red. I. Ya. Schupak. Dnipro: Ukrains'kyj instytut vyvchennia Holokostu «Tkuma», 2016. (U spivavtorstvi). || The Righteous Among the Peoples of the World: Guide / Ed. I. Ya. Shchupak. Dnipro: «Tkuma»Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies , 2016. (Co-authored).
- Ukrains'ki zemli, impers'ka istoriia: kozats'ki pam'iatky u spryjniatti rosijs'kykh mandrivnykiv kintsia XVIII – pershoi polovyny XIX st. Kharkivs'kyj istoriohrafichnyj zbirnyk. 2016. Vyp. 15. || Ukrainian lands, imperial history: Cossack sights in the perception of Russian travelers of the late XVIII - first half of the XIX century. Kharkiv historiographical collection. 2016. Vol. 15.
- Holokost u Dnipropetrovs'ku / Ye. A. Vradij, V. H. Rybalka, M. V. Stril'chuk, D. V. Shatalov; zah. red. I. Ya. Schupak. Dnipro: Ukrains'kyj instytut vyvchennia Holokostu «Tkuma»; LIRA, 2017. (U spivavtorstvi). || Holocaust in Dnipropetrovsk / Ye. A. Vradiy, V.G. Rybalka, M.V. Strelchuk, D.V. Shatalov; comp. edit I. Ya. Shchupak. Dnipro: «Tkuma» Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies; LIRA, 2017. (In co-authorship).
- «Uznal ia arkhytrahycheskye veschy»: vidomosti pro Holokost u lystakh vijs'kovosluzhbovtsiv RSChA. Problemy istorii Holokostu: ukrains'kyj vymir: naukovyj zhurnal. 2017. Vyp. 9. || "I learned archaic things": information about the Holocaust in the letters of servicemen of the Red Army. Problems of Holocaust History: Ukrainian Dimension: Scientific Journal. 2017. Vol. 9.
- Uiavlennia pro kozatstvo. Ukrains'ke kozatstvo u suspil'nij dumtsi druhoi polovyny XVIII – pershoi polovyny KhIKh st. Dnipro: «Dominanta Print», 2017. || The notion of the Cossacks. Ukrainian Cossacks in the public opinion of the second half of the 18th - the first half of the nineteenth century. Dnieper: "Dominanta Print", 2017.
- Uiavlennia pro kozats'ku zovnishnist' kintsia XVIII – seredyny KhIKh st.: teksty, hrafika ta povsiakdenni uiavlennia. Chastyna 1. Het'manschyna. || Representation of the Cossack appearance of the late XVIII - the middle of the XIX century: texts, graphics and everyday representations. Part 1. Hetmanate.
- Uiavlennia pro kozats'ku zovnishnist' kintsia XVIII – seredyny KhIKh st.: teksty, hrafika ta povsiakdenni uiavlennia. Chastyna 2. Slobids'ki kozaky. Zaporozhtsi. || Representation of the Cossack appearance of the late XVIII - the middle of the XIX century: texts, graphics and everyday representations. Part 2. Slobodian Cossacks. Zaporizhians.
- Uiavlennia pro kozats'ku zovnishnist' kintsia XVIII – seredyny KhIKh st.: teksty, hrafika ta povsiakdenni uiavlennia. Chastyna 3. Khudozhnie bachennia. Zaporozhtsi. || Representation of the Cossack appearance of the late XVIII - the middle of the XIX century: texts, graphics and everyday representations. Part 3. Artistic vision. Zaporizhians.
- Brat'ya ili chinovniki? (Review on Johannes Remy “Brothers or Enemies: The Ukrainian National Movement and Russia from the 1840s to the 1870s” (Toronto :University of Toronto Press, 2016)). Ab Imperio. 2018. № 1. || Brothers or officials? (Review of the 1840s to the 1870s ”(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016). Johannes Remy“ The Brothers or Enemies: 2016 ”. Ab Imperio. 2018. No. 1.
- Chernosotennye ukrainofily? (Recenziya na Klimentіj K. Fedevich, Klimentіj І. Fedevich. «Za Vіru, Carya і Kobzarya»: Malorosіjs'kі monarhіsti і ukraїns'kij nacіonal'nij ruh (1905–1917 roki)) / per. z ros. Katerina Demchuk. Kiїv: Kritika, 2017. 308 s.). Ab Imperio. 2018. № 2. || Black Hundreds Ukrainophiles? (Review on Klimentii K.Fedevich, Klimentiy I.Fedevich. "For Faith, the King and the Kobzar": Little Russian monarchists and the Ukrainian national movement (1905-1917)) / per. from Russian Katerina Demchuk. Kyiv: Criticism, 2017. 308 pp.). Ab Imperio. 2018. No. 2.