Deputy Director Yehor Vradii
Yehor Vradii, Deputy Director of Museum, Candidate of Historical Sciences.
In 2007 got Masters Degree with honours of Faculty of History of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. He has defended his thesis "Anarchist and Communistic Movement in the South of Ukraine in 1905-1910" in 2012.
He is a Museum employee since 2015.
Scientific interests: history of radical political movements of the early 20 century, anti-Jewish pogroms of the 19-20 centuries, the Holocaust on the territory of Poland and Ukraine.
Main publications:
- Huliaipole "Union of Poor Farmers": features of creation and some aspects of activity in 1906-1907. Ukrainian Democratic Revolution of 1905–1907: current issues of study. Materials interreg. Science. Conference DNU, February 24, 2005. Dnipropetrovsk: PH "Oksamyt-Text", 2005.
- N. I. Makhno in Huliaipole: the formation of personality (1888–1909). Prydniprovie: historical and ethnographic research. 2005. Issue 2.
- The Jewish factor in the anarcho-communist movement of the Ekaterinoslav region (1905–1908). Problems of political history of Ukraine. Dnipropetrovsk: Problemy politychnoi istorii Ukrainy. PH "Oksamyt-Text", 2006. (Co-authored).
- Anarkho-komunizm (do pytannia pro sotsial'nu bazu rukhu v Katerynoslavs'kij hubernii). Hurzhiivs'ki istorychni chytannia. Cherkasy: Instytut istorii Ukrainy NAN Ukrainy, 2007. || Anarcho-communism (to the question of the social base of the movement in Ekaterinoslav province). Gurzhiev Historical Readings. Cherkasy: Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2007.
- Zhinky v anarkho-komunistychnomu rusi (na prykladi Katerynoslavs'koi hubernii). Prydniprov'ia: istoryko-kraieznavchi doslidzhennia. 2007. Vyp. 4. || Women in the anarchist-communist movement (on the example of Ekaterinoslav province). Prydniprov'ia: historical and ethnographic research. 2007. Vol. 4.
- Anarkho-komunistychna orhanizatsiia Pivdnia Ukrainy (1905–1917 rr.) iak osoblyva sotsial'na hrupa. Humanitarnyj zhurnal. 2008. Zyma–Vesna. || Anarcho-communist organization of the South of Ukraine (1905-1917) as a special social group. Humanitarian Journal. 2008. Winter-Spring.
- Atmosfera politychnoho uv'iaznennia u 1905–1917 pp. (na prykladi anarkhistiv Pivdnia Ukrainy). Naddniprians'ka Ukraina: istorychni protsesy, podii, postati. 2008. Vyp. 6. || The atmosphere of political imprisonment in 1905-1917 pp. (on the example of Anarchists of the South of Ukraine). Dnieper Ukraine: historical processes, events, figures. 2008. Vol. 6.
- Khrystyians'ki motyvy revoliutsijnykh podij 1905 r. na Pivdni Ukrainy. Universytet. 2009. № 4. || Christian motives of the revolutionary events of 1905 in the south of Ukraine. University. 2009. No. 4.
- Politychna konfrontatsiia chy spivrobitnytstvo: do pytannia pro vzaiemyny anarkhistiv iz sotsialistychnymy orhanizatsiiamy na pivdni Ukrainy. Problemy politychnoi istorii Ukrainy. 2010. Vyp. 5. || Political confrontation or cooperation: to the question of the relationship between anarchists and socialist organizations in the south of Ukraine. Problems of Political History of Ukraine. 2010. Vol. 5.
- Anarkho-komunistychnyj rukh na Pivdni Ukrainy (1905–1912): selians'kyj vymir. Ukrains'kyj selianyn. 2012. Vyp. 13. || Anarchist-Communist Movement in the South of Ukraine (1905-1912): Peasant Dimension. Ukrainian peasant. 2012. Vol. 13.
- Obraz anarkhista u amerykans'kij presi kintsia KhIKh – pochatku KhKh st. (na prykladi «The New York Times»). Naukovi pratsi istorychnoho fakul'tetu Zaporiz'koho natsional'noho universytetu. 2012. Vyp. XXXIV. || The image of anarchist in the American press of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. (for example, The New York Times). Scientific works of the Historical Faculty of Zaporizhzhya National University. 2012. Voice XXXIV.
- Jozef Khazanovych (1844–1919): likar-blahodijnyk i hromads'kyj diiach. Filosofs'ko-humanitarni chytannia: zb. nauk. pr. 2015. Vyp. 2. || Josef Khazanovich(1844-1919): philanthropist and public figure. Philosophical and Humanitarian Readings: Sb. sciences Ave 2015. Vol. 2.
- Revoliutsyonnoe nasylye y obyvatel': k voprosu o prychynakh pohroma v Belostoke 1906 h. Studia Podlaskie. 2015. T. XXVIII. || Revolutionary violence and the inhabitant: to the question of the reasons for the pogrom in Białystok in 1906. Studia Podlaskie. T. XXVIII.
- Pravednyky narodiv svitu: dovidnyk / red. I. Ya. Schupak. Dnipro: Ukrains'kyj instytut vyvchennia Holokostu «Tkuma», 2016. (U spivavtorstvi). || Righteousness of the peoples of the world: handbook / ed. I. Ya. Shchupak. Dnipro: Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies "Tkuma", 2016. (Co-authored).
- Henotsydy ta totalitaryzmy pershoi polovyny KhKh st. ochyma obyvatelia z provintsii. Problemy istorii Holokostu: ukrains'kyj vymir: naukovyj zhurnal. 2017. Vyp. 9. || Genocides and totalitarianism of the first half of the twentieth century. by the eyes of the inhabitant of the province. Problems of Holocaust History: Ukrainian Dimension: Scientific Journal. 2017. Vol. 9.
- Hlukhovs'kyj P., Koval's'kyj M. Apte. Nezakinchena povist' / per. z pol. movy Ye. Vradij. Dnipro: Ukrains'kyj instytut vyvchennia Holokostu «Tkuma»; PP «Lira LTD», 2017 || Glukhovsky P., Kovalsky M. Apte. Unfinished story / per. from the floor Speech is E. Vradiy. Dnipro: “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute For Holocaust Studies; PE "Lira LTD", 2017.
- Holokost u Dnipropetrovs'ku / Ye. A. Vradij, V. H. Rybalka, M. V. Stril'chuk, D.V. Shatalov; zah. red. I. Ya. Schupak. Dnipro: Ukrains'kyj instytut vyvchennia Holokostu «Tkuma»; LIRA, 2017. (U spivavtorstvi). || Holocaust in Dnipropetrovsk / Ye. A.Vradiy, VG Rybalka, MV Strelchuk, D. V. Shatalov; comp. edit I. Ya. Shchupak. Dnipro: “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute For Holocaust Studies; LIRA, 2017. (In co-authorship).
- «Pershyj pokaranyj narod»: poliaky Prydniprov'ia pid prytsilom stalins'kykh represij. Mista i sela Dnipropetrovschyny u vyri politychnykh represij : zb. st. : u 5 t. Dnipro: Dnipropetrovs'ka oblasna redkolehiia po pidhotovtsi j vydanniu tematychnoi serii knyh «Reabilitovani istoriieiu», vyd-vo «Monolyt», 2017. T. 5: Represii proty natsional'nykh menshyn na Dnipropetrovschyni. || "The First Punished People": Prydniprovya Poles under the sight of Stalin's repressions. Cities and villages of Dnipropetrovsk region in the cause of political repressions: Art. : 5 t. Dnipro: Dnipropetrovsk regional editorial board on the preparation and publication of the thematic series of books "Rehabilitated by history", the volume "Monolith", 2017. T. 5: Repressions against national minorities in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
- «Tsinnyj zdobutok ukrains'kykh studij pam'iati» (retsenziia na monohrafiiu O. Ya. Pukhons'koi «Literaturnyj vymir pam'iati : monohrafiia» (Kyiv : Akademvydav, 2018. (Seriia «Monohraf»)). Visnyk Zaporiz'koho natsional'noho universytetu. Filolohichni nauky. 2018. № 1. || "Valuable Achievement of Ukrainian Memory Studies" (A Review of the Monograph of O. Ya. Pukhonskaya "Literary Dimension of Memory: A Monograph" (Kyiv: Academic Edition, 2018. (Series "Monograph").) The Bulletin of the Zaporizhzhya National University. 2018. No. 1.
- Ян Ходоровський. «Ті, хто повертають віру в людину»: Праведники народів світу Дніпропетровської області / ред. І. Я. Щупак. Дніпро : Інститут «Ткума»; ПП «Ліра ЛТД». 2019.